at concentration ranging from AP5055 was able to produce a similar dose dependent reduction of the plasma TG within weeks of treatment. When using the ZDF rat model, AP5258 produced a significant reduction of the TG plasma concentration. The inactive analog AP5156 had no effect. Therefore, the decrease in plasma TG correlated with the cellular activity of the compounds and was not model or analog dependent. Differences in the potency of these molecules in the order ML281 different models were however observed. This may be explained by the relative stringency of the different models in terms of metabolic syndrome, the ZDF rat being less sensitive to the treatment than the mouse or the fructose fed rat model. Alternatively, the two compounds may have different metabolism. In the present study, correlation between the anti-CD36 inhibitor activity of small molecular weight chemicals and the known pathophysiological activity of this scavenger receptor were established. Although different mechanisms may be involved in the oral versus IP activity of these inhibitors, both administrations were able to improve the metabolic profile of defined and independent rodent models. A significant reduction of the plasma concentration of triglycerides and a better glucose usage were observed at pharmacological doses with a concomitant reduction of the atherosclerotic and diabetic consequences of these attributes. CD36 is a well characterized FA translocase and an oxidized LDL receptor expressed in many cell types including macrophages, adipocytes, endothelial cells and enterocytes. Expression of this gene is ligand-binding dependent and can either be up or down regulated. For instance, ox-LDL-CD36 interaction up regulates a PPARc-dependent CD36 gene expression in monocytes-macrophages whereas interaction with FA down regulates gene expression and protein synthesis in enterocytes, but can up regulate the gene in adipocytes. In addition, CD36 may or may not be associated with companion molecules. The Vitronectin receptor VNR, caveolin-1, the 1S,3R-RSL3 Intestinal alkaline phosphatase IAP, the CD9 tetraspanin and the Toll-receptor complex show molecular and functional associations with CD36 at the surface of cells. Therefore, genetic expression and molecular functions of CD36 are complex and co
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