for the compounds when used alone, but not for the mixtures, indicating that the efficacy of the mixtures was not dependent on the mosquito behaviour in the experimental huts. Nevertheless the question of mosquito host-seeking behaviour in the presence of a physical barrier or chemical is consequently crucial. Many fundamental studies have focussed on free host seeking behaviour but there is a lack of knowledge about the behavioural accommodations of mosquitoes in the presence of treated materials as has been done for behaviour responses of Tsetse flies to a vector control tool like insecticide treated cattle, in order to improve the control Phillygenin strategies of human african trypanosomiasis. Here, the objective was to better understand the impact of interactions between PM and the two repellents, DEET and KBR 3023 so we used quite low dosages. It would be interesting to study behavioural modifications and the insecticidal effect of PM and the two repellents at higher dosages to investigate the potentialities of using these compounds alone on bed nets. Investigations on repellents are all the more important as we showed that the same chemical could be repellent or attractant according to its concentration, as has already been demonstrated for DEET. Nevertheless, chemicals are only external stimuli added to human cues. Our results also showed a significant effect of the season on different indicators, An. gambiae populations in the rainy season were significantly more exophilic and significantly less aggressive than in the dry season. There are too many differences between these two populations to hypothesize about the cause. But this indicates that there might be differences in host-seeking behaviour between the M and S molecular forms, between mosquitoes that are sharing different insecticide resistance genes, between mosquitoes with different parasitic status, or with different ecological or 6747-15-5 meteorological preferences. This information can lead us to improve the protocol of experimental hut trials, especially by including more variables, and using a general model to take in account the impact of all these variables on the efficacy of different t
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