the cross-sectional size of the meatus and thus the urine stream is initially relatively stable. In the present study we develop computational fluid dynamics modelling to explain for the first time, the characteristic wavelike shape of the urine stream and its relationship to flow rate and the size and shape of the urethral meatus. In so doing we identify two novel diagnostic parameters which can be derived from simple noninvasive visual inspection of the flow stream. These parameters are then examined with both healthy volunteers and a clinically relevant patient cohort. When a liquid jet issues from a non-cylindrical aperture, the jet formed tends to undergo large deformations under the action of surface tension. For instance, for a jet issuing from an elliptic aperture, the flow pattern is similar to that shown in Fig. 1. The inital shape of the jet will closely match the aperture shape, and the surface tension will act to reduce the local surface curvature, thus accelerating the flow radially inwards in regions of high convex curvature. However, in order to conserve mass flux, the flow must also accelerate radially outwards elsewhere on the jet surface. Thus, along the axis of the jet, the jet surface forms a wave-like pattern with purchase 520-26-3 displacements in orthogonal directions. The wavelength of these oscillations is dependent on the jet flow rate, aperture geometry and surface tension. As the jet develops downstream, the jet surface oscillates under the action of surface tension, and the opposing action of the radial and tangential momentum in the jet. For a viscous fluid, the viscosity damps out these oscillations, so that at distances far 1491152-26-1 downstream the jet effectively becomes cylindrical. On the other hand, if viscous effects are small, and the forces due to surface tension are large in comparison to the momentum in the jet, then the jet surface can become unstable and break-up due to the amplification of capillary waves. Consider the jet flow in Fig. 1, where the minimum dimension of the jet at the exit of the aperture is Dmin. For the cases described here, we find that the initial wavelength to be around thirty times larger than Dmin. The pressure differences due to surface tension are inversely proportional to the radius of curvature of the jet surface both in the streamwise direction and in the x-y plane. Because L is over an order of magnitude greater than Dmin, the radius of curvature in the streamwise direction will be much larger than
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