bated at 37 C, and absorbance at 420 nm was read every 10 min for 7 Pneumococcal Exit from Competence Plasmid pACT2 pGBDUC2 pACT2-comD pACT2-comE pACT2-comX pACT2-comW pACT2-dprA pACT2-recA pGBDUC2-dprA doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064197.t003 Description shuttle vector for yeast 2-hybrid, carrying Gal4 activating domain shuttle vector for yeast 2-hybrid, carrying Gal4 DNA binding domain pACT2 derivative, carrying AD-comD fusion pACT2 derivative, carrying AD-comE fusion pACT2 derivative, carrying AD-comX fusion pACT2 derivative, carrying AD-comW fusion pACT2 derivative, carrying AD-dprA fusion pACT2 derivative, carrying AD-recA fusion pGBDUC2 derivative, carrying BD-dprA fusion Source Clontech Labs, Inc. This work This work This work 18316589 This work This work This work This work 90 min in Spectra Max M2 of Molecular Devices. The initial slope of the absorbance curve was used to calculate LacZ activity, reported in Miller units. a-galactosidase assay. For a-galactosidase activity measurement, a 0.4-ml culture sample was added to 0.1 ml of 56lysis buffer and incubated at 37uC for 10 min. After 150 mL of the resulting lysate was added to 50 mL of p-nitrophenyl-b-D-galactopyranoside solution in a 96 well microplate, absorbance was measured at 405 nm every New allele combination Strain Mutation Relative transformation rate Literatureb Experimentala ClpP+ ClpP2 CP1250, CP2000 CPM7 CP1359 CP2108, CP2125 CP2109, CP2126 CP2110, CP2127 CP2111, CP2130 CP2112, CP2128 CP2113, CP2129 CP2116, CP2131 CP2114, CP2132 CP2117, CP2133 CP2115, CP2134 CP2119, CP2135 CP2139, CP2140 CP2143, CP2144 Dcps ssbB2::lacZ::ssbB+ DclpP::PcTet DcomA::PcErm DcbpD::PcKan DcibABC::PcKan DcoiA::PcKan DcglEFG::PcKan DdprA::PcKan DcelAB::PcKan DcclA::PcKan DcglABCD::PcKan DcflAB::PcKan DradA::PcSpc DssbB::PcKan Acinbox AcinA::PcKan 1 1 1 1 1 1.01 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 5 min for 30 min at room temperature by a 10973989 microplate reader. Yeast two-hybrid assay. A yeast two-hybrid assay was established by inserting dprA into yeast plasmid pGBDUC2, and inserting comD, comE, comX, comW, and recA into yeast plasmid pACT2, using PCR followed by restriction enzyme digestion and ligation at BamHI and XhoI, or SalI sites. The two plasmids with corresponding inserts were first transformed into E. coli to replicate and purified with QIAprep Miniprep kit. The purified plasmid DNA was then transformed into yeast haploids PNS468 and PNS752 respectively. The two transformed haploid cells with different mating types were 84573-16-0 biological activity selected in SD medium without leucine or SD medium without uracil and mated to make diploids in SD agar plate without both. The diploids were collected and stored at 280uC in 20% glycerol stocks. Diploids were grown again on YPD agar plates and frog-replicated onto four test agar plates: SD-Leu-Ura; SD-Leu-Ura-His; SD-Leu-Ura-His+1 mM 3AT; SD-Leu-Ura-His+3 mM 3AT. The four test plates were photographed daily during incubation at 26uC for 7 days. Results Among Candidate Late Competence Genes Examined, Only dprA is Required for Normal Shutoff of Late Gene Expression in a Wild-type Background To investigate the roles of additional late genes in competence termination, we monitored the expression pattern of a late gene transcriptional reporter, which is established as a reliable indicator of competence development. For this purpose, we constructed a parent strain that contains a lacZ reporter at the late gene,
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