eft to dry. The number of spots was counted using the AID ELISpot reader and software ver. 3.2.3. The number of spots was determined at each concentration of peptide or protein and the results given as the number of IFN-c, IL-2, IL-4 or IL-5-producing cells per 106 cells. A mean number of cytokineproducing cells of,50 per 106 cells was considered as negative. CTL and Th cell-proliferation in response to OVA and OVA peptides Proliferative responses to OVA and OVA peptides were determined by stimulation of splenocytes from groups of mice immunized with the different vaccine compositions. A total of 600,000 cells/well in complete RPMI-1640 medium were seeded in 96-well flat bottom plates with lid. Stimulation was carried out for 48 hours at 37uC in a 5% CO2 atmosphere using the same antigens and concentrations as in the ELISpot assay. At 48 hours, 0.1 Ci/mL 3H-thymidine was added and 1620 hours later the cells were harvested onto filtermat A filters and the radioactivity counted in a TRILUX 1450 MicroBeta counter. Proliferation was determined by dividing the radioactivity as counts per minute of cells incubated with an Ag with the cpm of the cells incubated with medium alone ratio). Groups were compared by the mean S/N ratios at each time point after subtraction of proliferative responses seen in the negative control group receiving PPM alone. All samples were run in triplicates. two. The group that received OVA2PPM+AbISCOH-100 had significantly higher IgG titers as compared to all other groups. At week five after two immunizations, all groups except the group immunized with OVA alone had detectable IgG titers. Five out of eight mice immunized with OVA2PPM had IgG titers over 1:100, while none of the mice immunized with OVA alone had detectable IgG titers. The OVA2PPM+AbISCOH-100 group had significantly higher titers compared to the OVA+AbISCOH-100 group. ImjectHAlum showed a significantly weaker adjuvant effect on the induction of anti-OVA IgGs than AbISCOH-100. No difference in the anti-OVA IgG response could be detected between the two groups immunized with OVA+ImjectHAlum or OVA2PPM+ImjectHAlum at week five indicating that our mannosylated Cy3 NHS Ester price fusion protein does not potentiate the adjuvant effect of ImjectHAlum. At week eight, after three immunizations, titers over 1:1,000 was achieved in the group immunized with OVA2PPM. At this time point, the IgG pattern between the groups was similar to that seen at week five but with even higher IgG titers peaking 1:106 in the group immunized with OVA2PPM+AbISCOH-100. In order to examine the importance of the oligomannose residues on the fusion protein for its adjuvant effect on the IgG antibody response, we included in study B a control fusion protein lacking oligomannose residues. At week two the group immunized with OVA2PPM+AbISCOH-100 had significantly higher antibody titers 20406854 than the other groups including the group immunized with a fusion protein conjugate lacking oligomannose residues. However OVA2PPM+AbISCOH-100 was not significantly different from the OVA+PPM+AbISCOH-100 group. At week five the group that had received OVA conjugated to PPM+AbISCOH-100 had significantly higher IgG titers compared to all other groups. The adjuvant effect of PPM was also seen when it was mixed with 18690793 OVA and AbISCOH100. At week eight the OVA2PPM+AbISCOH-100 group had significantly higher titers compared to all groups except the OVA+AbISCOH-100 group. The OVA-PSGL-1/mIgG2b conjugate induces a strong and broad anti-
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