of dopaminergic neuronal markers upon differentiation of NSCs to human neurons. In addition there was an upregulation of the expression of markers Lmx1a and Nurr1, both of which are involved in committing precursor cells to dopaminergic differentiation. Furthermore we demonstrated that the human neurons expressing TH, also expressed PINK1. PINK1 expression is highest in mature neurons as demonstrated by immunofluorescence. PINK1 was detected by RT-PCR in human NSCs. Moreover, PINK1 expression was found to increase up to,100 fold following differentiation to neurons, suggesting a physiological role of PINK1 within differentiated human neurons. This high level of PINK1 expression in differentiated human DAergic neurons validated the use of this model in examining the effects of loss of PINK1 function. Transmission Electron Microscopy Human NSCs were plated on 13mm Thermanox coverslips coated with laminin. When confluent, NSCs were 11906293 differentiated using the SD/DA protocol for 47 dd and fixed using 3% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer and 5 mM CaCl2, pH 7.4. Specimens were dehydrated through a graded series of Analar Ethanol. Cells were embedded in araldite resin mixture and sectioned using a Richert Ultracut S microtome. Sections were stained using 25% Uranyl acetate in methanol and Reynold’s Lead Citrate and images were taken on a Philips CM10 transmission electron microscope at 3800X and 9800X magnification. Images were taken using the KeenView system from SIS, resized and annotated in Adobe Photoshop. RNAi-mediated knockdown of PINK1 mRNA in human cell lines Using 17804601 retroviral mediated PINK1 shRNA expression, levels of PINK1 knockdown ranging from 1090% were achieved. The efficiency of PINK1 knockdown, determined by RTPCR, was found to be shRNA sequence specific, with sequence Live cell imaging Live cell imaging was performed as described previously. See supplementary Methods S1 online. Briefly, cells were PINK1 Deficiency #1029 resulting in.90% kd consistently in both the SHSY5Y and the human NSCs.. shRNA directed against a different gene did not reduce PINK1 mRNA levels, confirming that this method did not result in nonspecific PINK1 kd. Results shown are normalized for housekeeping gene, LRPO. However RT_PCR for other genes including two other control genes as well as other PD genes did not show significant alterations in expression between control and PINK1 kd.. Knockdown of endogenous PINK1 mRNA was maintained after differentiation as human neurons even taking into account the,100 fold increase in PINK1 expression described above. Analysis of protein levels by Western blotting confirmed reduced levels of protein expression in #1029 clones compared PINK1 Deficiency with controls. We similarly confirmed MedChemExpress (+)-Bicuculline absence of PINK1 expression in cultured cortical neurons from the PINK1 knockout mouse model by Western blot. . Assessment of individual Multiparameter Cytotoxicity assay parameters at later time points revealed a decrease in nuclear intensity, and an increase in lysosomal mass/pH indicative of early cellular apoptosis. PINK1 is not necessary for differentiation of human neural stem cells to dopaminergic neurons Human NSC lines, carrying the stable #1029 PINK1 kd shRNA, does not prevent differentation into human DAergic neurons as demonstrated by tyrosine hydroxylase immunostaining, following the PreD differentiation protocol. No difference in TH expression was found between PINK1 kd neurons and controls using Western blo
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