N use the model loss function to resolve the gradient facts and then guide adversarial examples. For instance, Papernot et al. [5] disturbed the word embedding vector in the original input text. Ebrahimi et al. [20] meticulously created the character conversion perturbation and used the direction of the model loss gradient to select the top perturbation to replace the words with the benign text, resulting in overall performance degradation. Lei et al. [21] use embedded transformation to introduce a replacement strategy. Beneath the black box condition, Alzantot et al. [22] proposed an Ladostigil Protocol attack process based on synonym substitution and genetic algorithm. Zang et al. [23] proposed an attack system primarily based on original word replacement and particle swarm optimization algorithm. two.2.two. Universal Attacks Wallace et al. [12] and Behjati et al. [13] also proposed a universal adversarial disturbance generation strategy which can be added to any input text. Each papers used gradient loss to guide the search path to locate the most beneficial perturbation to result in as numerous benign inputs in the information set as possible to fool the target NLP model. However, the attack word sequence generated in these two situations is usually unnatural and meaningless. In contrast, our objective is to obtain a additional all-natural trigger. When a trigger that does not rely on any input samples is added for the normal information, it can lead to errors inside the DNN model.Appl. Sci. 2021, 11,5 of3. Universal Adversarial Perturbations In this Cilastatin (sodium) Bacterial section, we are going to formalize the issue of discovering the universal adversarial perturbations for a text classifier and introduce our approaches. 3.1. Universal Triggers We seek an input-agnostic perturbation, which might be added to each and every input sample and deceive a offered classifier using a higher probability. If the attack is universal, the adversarial threat is greater: make use of the very same attack on any input [11,24]. The positive aspects of universal adversarial attacks are: they usually do not want to access the target model for the duration of testing; and they significantly minimize the opponent’s barrier to entry: the trigger sequence is usually broadly distributed, and any individual can fool the machine learning model. 3.2. Issue Formulation Contemplate a trained text classification model f , a set of benign input text t with truth labels y and appropriately predicted by the model f (t) = y. Our goal will be to connect the located trigger t adv in series with any benign input, that will trigger the model f to predict errors, that’s, f (t adv ; t) = y. 3.3. Attack Trigger Generation So as to make sure that the trigger is organic, fluent, and diversified to produce much more universal disturbances, we use the Gibbs sampling [19] on a BERT model. This can be a flexible framework that may sample sentences in the BERT language model beneath specific criteria. The input is actually a customized initial word sequence. In order not to raise the extra restrictions with the trigger, we initialize it to a complete mask sequence as in Equation (1).0 0 X 0 = ( x1 , x2 , . . . , x 0 ). T(1)In every iteration, we randomly sample a position i uniformly, then replace the token at the ith position with a mask.The process might be formulated as follows: xi = [ MASK ], i = (1, 2, . . . , T ), (2)where [ MASK ] can be a mask token. We get the word sequence at time t, as shown in Equation (three).t t t X-i = ( x1 , . . . , xit-1 , [ MASK ], xit+1 , . . . , x T ).(three)Then calculate the word distribution pt+1 in the language model around the BERT vocabu lary in line with the Equation (four) and.
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