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Was anaB1 0.045 -0.370 -0.071 0.089 0.013 lyzed, and is shown in Table0.212 3.B
Was anaB1 0.045 -0.370 -0.071 0.089 0.013 lyzed, and is shown in Table0.212 3.B2 0.040 0.248 -0.385 Table 2. Correlation ADAMTS13 Proteins supplier analysis of six metals with bands. B3 0.034 0.222 -0.401 -0.071 -0.0.033 0.0.013 0.Cd Hg As Cu Zn B4 0.046 0.228 -0.321 -Pb 0.030 0.035 0.029 0.045 0.212 -0.370 -0.071 0.089 0.013 Note: B1 0.05, p 0.01. p B2 0.040 0.248 -0.385 -0.071 0.033 0.013 B3 0.034 -0.401 -0.085 0.013 0.014 As shown in Table 2, it 0.222 was concluded that the As correlation coefficient was highest in R B4 (0.3.5), followed by 0.228 Hg (0.two.three), and also the remaining four heavy metals0.029 Pb, (Cd, 0.046 -0.321 -0.030 0.035 Cu, p 0.05, low 0.01. note:Zn)had been p (R 0.1). Consequently, the relatively relevant As and Hg elements had been selected as the target heavy metals. The correlation involving As, Hg, and spectral things From Table 3, is shown in Table target heavy metals with B6 B8 and B8A had been decrease was analyzed, as well as the correlations of three. than From Table B1 B5correlations of target heavy metals the target heavyB8A had been decrease those with 3, the bands. The correlations in between with B6 B8 and metals and the than those operation in the spectral aspects have been all improved. The spectral components have been logarithmicwith B1 B5 bands. The correlations amongst the target heavy metals plus the logarithmic operation from the and positively were all enhanced. The spectral components negatively correlated with Asspectral things correlated with Hg, and also the correlations have been negatively 0.01 self-confidence level. The correlation coefficient plus the the target heavy all at the p correlated with As and positively correlated with Hg,amongst correlations have been all at and 0.01 confidence level. that with spectral reflectivity B1 B4, which was also metal the plnB1 B4 was larger than The correlation coefficient among the target heavy related to NDVI. The results showed that the Caspase-8 Proteins Biological Activity content of heavy metals within the study areaLand 2021, 10,8 ofmetal and lnB1 B4 was higher than that with spectral reflectivity B1 B4, which was also associated with NDVI. The results showed that the content of heavy metals within the study region had an excellent correlation with spectral aspects B1 B4 and lnB1 lnB4, indicating that spectral components B1 B4, LnB1 LnB4, and NDVI might be made use of to predict the soil heavy metal content material and spatial distribution.Table three. Correlation analysis of target metals with spectrum indicators. B1 As Hg As Hg B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B8A-0.370 -0.385 0.212 0.248 LnB1 -0.397 0.222 -0.401 -0.321 0.222 0.228 LnB2 -0.430 0.254 -0.245 0.156 LnB3 -0.431 0.231 -0.067 0.-0.035 0.-0.02 0.LnB4 -0.342 0.234 -0.003 0.055 NDVI -0.127 0.128 Note: p 0.05, p 0.01.three.three. Model Accuracy Evaluation A total of 649 soil samples had been randomly extracted from 971 soil samples on a two:1 scale as modeling sets. PLSR and BPNN models have been established with target heavy metals and spectral variables as model input variables. As shown in Table four, the results showed that for the modeling set of As elements depending on the PLSR model, R was involving 0.431 and 0.462, and RMSE was in between 1.943 and 1.976 (see Table 4); the verification set was between 0.498 0.526, and RMSE was among 2.007 to 2.045. The correlation coefficient distinction depending on the original band modeling and adding the NDVI aspect model was only 0.001, which was really smaller: the NDVI element cannot substantially strengthen the accuracy. For the Hg element modeling set, R was between 0.257 and 0.268, and RMSE was between 0.062 and 0.066; the verification set was in between 0.149 and 0.161, a.

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Author: calcimimeticagent