ctional relevance of altered expression levels. RESULTS Gating parameters of 15272207 single L-VDCC in failing human and transgenic myocardium Single-channel activity of old tg CaV1.2 was significantly increased compared to young tg CaV1.2 . Henceforth, these animals are referred to as youngand oldtg CaV1.2, respectively. Peak ensemble average current in old tg CaV1.2 mice was enhanced due to an increased fraction of active sweeps, mean open time, and mean open probability, and a decrease of mean closed time. Of further interest, the changes of peak current, fraction of active sweeps and open probability mirror findings obtained from single L-VDCC measurements in human cardiomyocytes from non-failing or failing idiopathic dilated cardiomy b-subunit-dependent modulation of CaV1.2 expressed in HEK293 The diversity of b-subunit expression patterns found in cardiomyocytes necessitated the functional characterization of each bsubunit isoform. Using HEK293 cells constitutively expressing the human CaV1.2 as a homologous recombination system we show that the gene as well as alternative splicing determines calcium channel gating, extending and elaborating on previous work. This is highlighted by significant differences in peak current and gating parameter tg CaV1.2 4 months peak current Ipeak fraction of active sweeps factive open probability Popen mean open time topen mean closed time tclosed number of experiments 22367 53.765.3 4.461.2 0.3460.03 6.661.0 13 tg CaV1.2 $9 months 256614 71.768.2 6.460.9{ 0.4560.04 3.160.7 11 human LV non-failing 21365 26.465.3 3.261.3 0.5460.05 9.361.6 16 human LV failing 22865 56.768.0 6.161.6{ 0.6560.04 7.561.7 9 In a previous study we found single-channel activity to be significantly increased in ventricular myocytes from human hearts failing due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy compared to non-failing ventricles. In excellent agreement the present study reveals activity of single L-VDCC from $9 months old, i.e. failing murine hearts overexpressing the human CaV1.2 to be significantly increased compared to 22408714 single-channel activity in 4 months old, i.e. non-failing young transgenics obtained in a previous study. RGFA-8 site Charge carrier: 70 mM Ba2+; holding potential: 2100 mV; test potential: +20 mV. Note that Schroder et al. did not use a depolarizing bath solution, thus potentials are approximate values. p,0.05 and p = 0.07 in a Student’s t-test; {p,0.05 in a Mann-Whitney test. Numbers of experiments given in parentheses indicate number of experiments with only one channel in the patch. 2 b2-subunits & Ca2+-Channels open probability between b-subunits, with b2a and b2b exerting the strongest effects. b2c or b2d as well as b1a, b1c, and b3a induced a minor to moderate increase in single-channel activity with no significant effects detected for closed times. Taken together, the data support the view that the single-channel phenotype of failing cardiomyocytes is caused by channel complexes containing b2a or b2b. Generation of an inducible, heart-specific b2a-subunit overexpression mouse Our functional analyses support the idea of pathophysiological relevance of b2-subunit up-regulation, but the parallel biophysical and biochemical changes in cardiomyocytes may still be coincidental. Rather than following the natural course of gene expression changes, transgene-controlled b2-subunit overexpression should prove its causative role in native tissue. A hybrid drosophila-bombyx ecdysone receptor when coupled to an aMHC promoter shou
Calcimimetic agent
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