tinct AI profiles: the early exponential growth phase by low AI2, the mid-exponential growth phase by high AI-2, the late exponential growth phase and the early stationary phase by a blend of AI-2 and HAI-1, and the later stationary phase by a combination of AI-2, HAI-1 and CAI-1. This classification corresponds well with the staggered expression of bioluminescence and exoproteolytic activity MedChemExpress MGCD 0103 during growth of wild type V. harveyi. Although both phenotypes are dependent on AI-controlled genes and hence on the same signaling cascade, they are not induced simultaneously. The onset of bioluminescence occurs, and light levels reach their maximum, in the 8619892 exponential growth phase, whereas exoproteolytic activity only sets in after the transition into the stationary phase. These findings are supported by our reporter strain analysis, which indicated that AI-2 is sufficient for induction of bioluminescence and that HAI-1 acts synergistically to enhance light production. In contrast, both HAI-1 and AI-2 were required to induce exoproteolytic activity. Other AI-regulated phenotypes seem also to be affected by different combinations of AIs. Based on our experiments, full repression of vscP and vopN requires only AI-2. Furthermore, the sRNA Qrr4 can be induced by HAI-1 or AI-2, but full induction is attained only when both are present together. The effects of HAI-1 and AI-2 on the promoter activities of AI-regulated genes have been analyzed previously using promoter::gfp fusions, and these studies permitted differentiation between three groups of genes. The first group requires both AIs for activity; either HAI-1 or AI-2 can induce the second set, but both are necessary for full activity, and either HAI-1 or AI-2 is sufficient to induce full activity of the third. Remarkably, we observed a tight correlation between the various inputs and the level of the luxR transcript that encodes the master regulator of the signaling cascade. With each additional AI, levels of luxR mRNA increased. The highest level was measured when all three AIs were present simultaneously. Curiously, no gene is yet known to be regulated by LuxR at this late growth stage. LuxR activates and represses more than 100 genes, and both the numbers and relative affinities of its binding sites vary for different genes. The level of extracellular AIs as input is translated into a particular intracellular concentration of LuxR. A low LuxR concentration in the cell seems to be sufficient for the induction of luxA and hence for bioluminescence, and for the repression of vopN or vscP. At later growth stages, levels of the luxR transcript increase, and vhpA, which codes for a protease, is induced to a maximal level. In agreement with this, full induction of the exoproteolytic activity requires both HAI-1 and AI-2, and hence a higher copy number of LuxR than does the induction of bioluminescence. The transcriptional analysis raises questions regarding the molecular mechanism of down-regulation of gene expression. For example, significantly decreased transcript levels were determined for luxA and vhpA during stationary phase. It is still unclear whether LuxR or AphA a 15001546 transcriptional regulator that acts in the opposite manner to LuxR or other components of the stationary phase control network are responsible for this phenomenon. Our in vitro data on receptor-mediated phosphorylation of LuxU, the protein which gathers all information, reveal a very tight correlation between various inputs and ou
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